One Eighteen

I am crack

Vatos ODz!!!

August 18 2007, 9:29 PM

Carlitos snapped!!! If you guys havent seen the movie Blood In Blood Out, youre not gonna understand why this picture is so cool lol Thats me on the far right, Caritos in the middle, and Nelson on the left. Im posing as Chuey Savedra, Carlitos as Paco Aguilar, and i forgot who Nelson is supposed to be lol

118 OhDeez Locos 4 Life!!!

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Time To Go

August 18 2007, 12:18 PM

This is my last night in Chicago cuz in the morning Im leaving for Dekalb and NIU.  This has been without a doubt my best summer ever but i know that bigger better things will happen at school so i can\'t wait

One More Day


118 Let\'s do it

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August 16 2007, 3:03 AM

Game Over


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August 16 2007, 3:01 AM

Yes, my GANGSTA just took a major blow lol I took one of my friends and her niece to watch Bratz at the show lol My friend called me a "trooper" for sitting thru the whole thing lol Here's proof

118 Shh, don't tell nobody!!!

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August 15 2007, 12:49 AM

Oh snap!!!  I forgot to tell yall what my LAST post was about, you know the one right before this one lol Yea i chopped my hair off today, see???

Yup i chopped it off, i had been meanin to do it for a while but i was too lazy to call my barber of 5 years to cut it off lol So yea thats what the previous post was about.  I had just got home from the barbershop and i took those pics.

118 That's all folks

Posted in UnoUnoOcho


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Last update Aug 18, 2007


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