One Eighteen

I am crack

The Other One

August 4 2007, 2:15 PM

This is the other fan sign she made me, i like this one better


118 She showin MAD love!!!

Posted in UnoUnoOcho


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The Background

August 4 2007, 1:59 PM

Alright the story behind my background is that its a picture or fansign whatever you want to call it of my friend Roz.  This girl is basically a female version of me.  A lady 118 lol Maybe even the future Mrs 118 who knows lol But anyway yall my real name is Amardo and i'm new on here but im liking it so far...Even tho i have no friends on here yet lol HINT: ADD ME!!!  If youre wondering what the whole deal with "118" is then ima tell you.  118 is my crossover number.  I am in a fraternity called Omega Delta and i am the 118th person to crossover to become a member of the fraternity at Northern Illinois University since the fraternity was established there in 1997.  Thats it, nothing more nothing less.  The banner above the "My Pictures" is a bunch of my brothers from different chapters across Illinois at our annual Omega Delta Turkey Bowl Tournament, which MY chapter won by the way lol Anybody wearing a white t shirt or a white top is from MY chapter.  Yup yup yup we pretty much dominated lol

118 Add me!!!

Posted in UnoUnoOcho


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No Idea

August 3 2007, 12:05 PM

I still dont know how to work this site but ima mess around wit it some more today.  I need friends on here so if you come across my page, add me.  Until then, here's a funny picture i took while walking downtown this past week.

I thought it was hilarious.

118 Yzzr

Posted in UnoUnoOcho


hi-res: Hey, my name is Kiera. If you have any questions feel free... 08-03-07 01:02 PM

For Starters

August 2 2007, 8:56 PM

The post title is kind of ironic cuz i am not a beginner but it is what it is.  But since this IS my first post on here i thought i'd make it about something meaningful.  I don't know how this place works and i dont know if you have to add me to leave comments but i'm sure you know so if you need to add me to leave a comment then go ahead and do it.  I won't reject anybody unless i don't like you, but i don't know any of you so go ahead and add me.  Peace!!!


He was my homeboy.  I hate all you bangers out there.  Yall just hate us cuz we GOT a future and you don't.  Yall are just some pathetic ass losers and yall gon burn in hell.

118 R.I.P. Alex

Posted in UnoUnoOcho


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Entries 19
Comments 1
Page views 4,295
Last update Aug 18, 2007


Wat Em Upz!!!

Look around and leave comments everywhere. I WILL return the love, thanks