One Eighteen

I am crack


Comment history with BsLayouts


Displaying 21 - 29 of 29 comments

all the omegas and deltas??? lol we are not omegas and deltas baby, thats the name of our frat, Omega Delta lol its ok you'll get to college and learn all about Greek stuff if you join a sorority or something lol but yea my major is Business tryin to come up in the corporate world ya dig


Posted by OhDee118 on Aug 15, 07 12:32 am

yeah;; i figured you were, i was just checking out all the 'omegas' and 'deltas' you had on your page && i knew you were in college. whats your major?

Posted by BsLayouts on Aug 14, 07 11:59 pm

haha i see you changed your age...yes mam im in college im a student at Northern Illinois University...goin into my 3rd year


Posted by OhDee118 on Aug 14, 07 11:46 pm

im really 14, i gotta change that.
but yeah a lot of people say i look 16.
i guess.
so, are you in college?

Posted by BsLayouts on Aug 14, 07 11:06 pm

im 20...i see youre 13 but you do look a lil older tho


Posted by OhDee118 on Aug 14, 07 10:33 pm

my bad!
how old are you?

Posted by BsLayouts on Aug 14, 07 9:56 pm

dayum!!! you shouldnt have said that cuz now i dont feel special no more!!! lmao


Posted by OhDee118 on Aug 14, 07 2:33 pm

no problem.
i don't deny anyone!

Posted by BsLayouts on Aug 14, 07 1:19 pm

hey thanks for the add!!!


Posted by OhDee118 on Aug 14, 07 10:21 am

Wat Em Upz!!!

Look around and leave comments everywhere. I WILL return the love, thanks