One Eighteen

I am crack


I'm An Addiction

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About Me

Wat em upz CB??? I dont know how to make any layouts or graphics. I didnt know that this site was for uploading layouts n stuff like that. The site is called CREATEBLOG!!! Why doesnt anyone blog on here lol Thats what i THOUGHT i was joining lol Oh well
Location Chicago, IL
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Women
Status Single
Interests omega delta, niu, football, basketball, blogging, myspace, money
Music lil wayne, lupe fiasco, cassidy, jeezy
TV i don't watch too much tv
Quotes haha i WILL update this one later

Contact Me

IM omega118delta


Showing latest 10 of 22 comments

nice wallpaper, makes me thirsty haha jk jk
hey im Yuri

By PollutedJunk on Oct 30, 2007 11:02 am · History

Nothing much. Your background is cool.

By YourSuperior on Aug 18, 2007 7:14 pm · History

Hi, I'm Alvin.

By YourSuperior on Aug 18, 2007 1:58 pm · History

no prob

By bad2bone on Aug 16, 2007 11:26 am · History

yeah i agree. gotta move forward. yeah i kno im mature. don't let my age fool you. im smarter than i look too. i've had nothing but a 3.0 GPA && higher through my whole school year since 7th grade. =]

By BsLayouts on Aug 16, 2007 3:30 am · History

a jock? i have to admit, im not surprised. you like a jock to me. =] i liked history a lot too. i don't know but something about dead people && their past was really interesting to me. i like to learn.

By BsLayouts on Aug 16, 2007 2:37 am · History

haha. i see. wow. wind instruments... i hate em too. =] what was your favorite subject in school?

By BsLayouts on Aug 16, 2007 12:32 am · History

i don't know, violin is more complex than you think.
it takes time.
haven't you ever tried to play an instrument?

By BsLayouts on Aug 15, 2007 2:52 pm · History

i don't know.
im really mixed on what i want to be.
somedays i want to be a muscican [i be killin the violin], other days a writer, most days a chef, occasional days a dancer. im kinda blurry at this point in my life.

By BsLayouts on Aug 15, 2007 1:57 am · History

right right right. i see. so, what kind of job would you enjoy?

By BsLayouts on Aug 15, 2007 1:20 am · History
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Registered Aug 2, 2007
Last update Aug 14, 2007

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Wat Em Upz!!!

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